Terms & Conditions
This agreement outlines the framework for services at Pippa Groves Nutrition. Your consultant will go through it with you in the first consultation. Please talk with them if there is anything you would like clarified and sign the bottom of this form to acknowledge your understanding and agreement to these terms.
Pippa Groves Nutrition practices in accordance with the British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT).
The Nutritional Therapy Descriptor
Nutritional Therapy is the application of nutrition science in the promotion of health, peak performance and individual care. Nutritional therapy practitioners use a wide range of tools to assess and identify potential nutritional imbalances and understand how these may contribute to an individual's symptoms and health concerns. This approach allows them to work with individuals to address nutritional balance and help support the body towards maintaining health.
Nutritional therapy is recognised as a complementary medicine and is relevant for individuals with chronic conditions, as well as those looking for support to enhance their health and well-being. Practitioners consider each individual to be unique and recommend personalised nutrition and lifestyle programmes rather than a 'one size fits all' approach.
Practitioners never recommend nutritional therapy as a replacement for medical advice and always refer any client with 'red flag' signs or symptoms to their medical professional. They will also frequently work alongside a medical professional and will communicate with other healthcare professionals involved in the client's care to explain any nutritional therapy programme that has been provided.
The Nutritional Therapist (NT) requests that the Client notes the following:
The degree of benefit obtainable from Nutritional Therapy may vary between clients with similar health problems and following a similar Nutritional Therapy programme.
• Nutritional advice will be tailored to support health conditions and/or health concerns identified and agreed between both parties.
• Nutritional therapists are not permitted to diagnose, or claim to treat, medical conditions.
• Nutritional advice is not a substitute for professional medical advice and/or treatment.
• Your Nutritional Therapist may recommend food supplements and/or functional testing as part of your Nutritional Therapy programme and may receive a commission on these products or services.
• Standards of professional practice in Nutritional Therapy are governed by the CNHC Code of Conduct.
• This document only covers the practice of Nutritional Therapy within this consultation, and your practitioner will make it clear if he or she intends to step outside this boundary. The Client understands and agrees to the following:
• I am responsible for contacting my GP about any health concerns.
• I give permission for you to contact my GP regarding any agreed aspects of my case.
• If I am receiving treatment from my GP, or any other medical provider, I should tell him/her about any nutritional strategy provided by my nutritional therapist. This is necessary because of any possible reaction between medication and the nutritional programme.
• It is important that I tell my nutritional therapist about any medical diagnosis, medication, herbal medicine, or food supplements, I am taking as this may affect the nutritional programme.
• If I am unclear about the agreed nutritional therapy programme/food supplement doses/time period, I should contact my nutritional therapist promptly for clarification.
• I must contact my nutritional therapist should I wish to continue any specified supplement programme for longer than the original agreed period, to avoid any potential adverse reactions.
• Recording consultations using any form of electronic media is not allowed without the written permission of both me and my Nutritional Therapist.
Confidentiality and Data Protection
The Registered Nutritional Therapy Practitioner will keep your personal information confidential and secure following the UK GDPR guidelines for the practice. The RNTP will not share your information with third parties without your consent. However, if your Nutritional Therapist has serious concerns about your safety, or the safety of another person, normal confidentiality may be lifted. You will be asked to provide your GP’s contact details, as someone they may contact in these circumstances. Pippa Groves Nutrition keeps a record of your name, contact details and dates and times of your appointments on a password-protected database. Pippa Groves Nutrition is required to keep notes about the focus of your work. These are kept securely and are password protected. Any reports produced by Pippa Groves Nutrition to evaluate the service contain anonymised data and will not contain any identifying information of clients.
You will discuss and agree what support you want from your Nutritional Therapist in your first session and review the progress and focus of your work together as you go along.
Working with Multiple Therapists
Pippa Groves Nutrition may suggest you see other registered therapists to support your goals. Information about your symptoms and condition will be discussed between Pippa Groves Nutrition and other therapists so that we can provide you with a co-ordinated therapy plan. Pippa Groves Nutrition will ask for your informed consent to share information with the other registered therapists and ask if there is anything that you want to remain confidential. Pippa Groves Nutrition will help you assimilate any information gathered from other registered therapists.
Working on Zoom, Skype, Phone & FaceTime
It is your responsibility to have a working internet connection for all Zoom, Skype and FaceTime sessions. You will be charged for the scheduled sessions if Pippa Groves Nutrition is waiting for your call, but you are unable to connect online. Pippa Groves Nutrition will call you for any phone sessions to a UK landline or mobile number.
Payment Terms & Cancellation Policy
Packages fees are agreed in advance and full payment is required at the time of booking, prior to your first appointment. This can be made by bank transfer, debit or credit card.
Pippa Groves Nutrition appreciates that circumstances can change. If you need to rearrange an appointment, please contact pippa@pippagroves.com at your earliest convenience. Appointments cancelled with less than 48 hours’ notice and ‘no shows’ will be charged in full. If you are on a package, the appointment will come out of the number of appointments you have as part of said package.
In the case of advance payments for services, you have the right to cancel this Agreement within 14 days of the purchase without penalty (‘Cooling-off Period’). If you wish to terminate the agreement within the 14-day Cooling-off Period, you must do so in writing to pippa@pippagroves.com. The RNTP will refund any monies paid prior to cancelling this Agreement. If the services have commenced during the 14-day Cooling-off Period, the RNTP will refund any monies due to you for services not yet provided. The refund payment will be made within 14 days of cancellation. After 14 days your full package price is non-refundable and owed in full.
Your RNTP may cancel your plan at any time should you fail to comply with the T&Cs or should she feel that your case requires a referral. Should your RNTP feel that referral is necessary, refunds will be at the discretion of your RNTP only, are not guaranteed, and would in any case only be for appointments or work yet to be carried out.
The 12-week packages must be completed within 6 months, upon booking.
Clients under 18 years of age
I welcome consultations with clients under 18, but they must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
Largely supplements are recommended from Healthpath Pro, which is a marketplace for a range of products of utmost quality. A commission agreement is in place between the company and the practitioner and a percentage of this is passed on to clients as a discount. Some supplements may be available cheaper elsewhere and you are welcome to source the exact product recommended from another supplier.
Test Results
Full test results will be sent out to you, but only once interpretation and discussion of the results have occurred during an appointment or support call. This is to avoid any errors in your understanding of the results.
As part of your healthcare:
Pippa Groves Nutrition may share your sensitive information with third parties to support your ongoing healthcare. If we do not receive this consent from you, we will not be able to coordinate your healthcare with that provided by other providers which means the healthcare provided by us may be less effective.
By signing this form you confirm your consent to the following:
I consent to my sensitive information being shared with other healthcare providers, whose details I have provided
I consent to my sensitive information being shared with my GP if appropriate
We may also share your contact information with biochemical testing companies to order tests as part of your healthcare, some of which may be from outside of the UK such as in the European Union or USA. If we do not receive this consent from you, we will review alternative tests from providers based within the UK only.
By signing this form you confirm your consent to:
I consent to my contact information being shared with biochemical testing companies outside of the UK.
You can withdraw your consent to the above at any time by emailing pippa@pippagroves.com.
Marketing & Information
Pippa Groves Nutrition would like to contact you occasionally by email with health tips, promotional offers, information on upcoming events and activities, and newsletters.
By signing this form you confirm your consent to be contacted for these purposes:
I consent to receiving regular newsletters
I consent to receiving promotional offers and information on upcoming events and activities
You can withdraw your consent to the above communications at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the emails.
Case Histories
Pippa Groves Nutrition seeks to continuously improve our practice through professional development, a key part of which is sharing case histories with our peers through clinical supervision, online forums and discussion groups. Your name, address and contact details will never be shared. All case information will be anonymised when discussed.
By signing this form you confirm that you are happy for us to use your data for this purpose:
I consent to my data being used for the purpose of professional development
Pippa Groves Nutrition may like to share your case history with peers for educational purposes. This could be through conferences, lectures, online forums, and publishing in medical journals, trade magazines or online professional sites. Your name, address and contact details will never be shared.
By signing this form you consent to:
I consent to my data being used for educational purposes at/in the following:
Online forums
Medical journals
Trade magazines
Online professional sites
You can withdraw your consent to the above at any time by emailing pippa@pippagroves.com.
By purchasing a package or appointment you are deemed to have signed this agreement and therefore you agree to all the above terms of engagement & GDPR.
Disclaimers for website
The disclaimers apply to all health information provided by this site.
Medical Disclaimer: This tool does not provide medical advice. It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore medical advice, you should always follow the recommendations of your doctor. Never put off seeking treatment because of something you have read on the www.pipagroves.com website. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor.
Health Disclaimer: All information on this site is intended for educational purposes, you are responsible for your own health and safety at all times. Some dietary recommendations may be healthy for some, but potentially dangerous for others, such as if you have a nut allergy, the advice on this site is not personalised and you should always use in line with your own medical advice.
Agreement: By using the information on this site you agree to these conditions.